Friday, 24 April 2009

The brainstorm and initial jobs to do...

So we've taken on the project for Nottingham media academy. Yesterday me Steven and Craig headed off to the Bonnington seating area to reflect on some initial design ideas we had. We decided on some basic principles that had to be included in the project, such as colour schemes, styles and layouts. We also began to think about the target audience and how they would react to these ideas. 

We have no separated for a few days to come up with some aspects of design to show our client at the first meeting. I will be concentrating on the photography aspects of the Homepage for now, and have decided to create some images which are of a similar style to the new "illusion" Twix advertisement. This sort of style will add a new age feel to the design I hope, and allow an interactive feel for the user through rollovers on the links.   

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